Chikayo Fukuda x Tomoyo Mitani INTERVIEW -Unbreakable Bonds- (.hack//LiVE Booklet)

Chikayo Fukuda (left) & Tomoyo Mitani (Right)

 Chikayo Fukuda x Tomoyo Mitani INTERVIEW



.hack//LIVE Booklets

LieN has become an indispensable part of the .hack series, and we asked them to share their thoughts on their music and their enthusiasm for their first live performance.


Chikayo Fukuda
".hack//G.U. series, I definitely wanted to include a song."

In LieN, she writes lyrics and composes music. Her lyrics and lyrical melodies, which skillfully weave the emotions of the characters into the music, are sure to move the hearts of her fans. She is also a member of CyberConnect2, the developer of the .hack series, where she wields her talents as a member of the sound team. She has composed music for all of the company's projects, including the .hack series.

Tomoyo Mitani
"We inspire each other, and we naturally become aware of the need to improve our works."
She is the vocalist in LieN. Her beautiful and elongated voice captivates her fans. She has a background in vocal music, which she has honed, and she is good at singing calm tunes, but she has also proven herself capable of performing in a wide range of genres in LieN. She has known Fukuda since kindergarten and even accompanied her when she was a student. It was from this "Gentle" that LieN was formed.

What are they doing to prepare for their first live performance?

- First of all, let me know about your thought when you first heard that this concert was going to be held.

Mitani: It's like, "It's finally here." I feel like “I was so happy to meet you all”, though it makes me nervous and anxious at the same time.

Fukuda: When I first heard about the .hack solo live event at the end of last year, I didn't really feel it at first, but as time went by, I began to think about the work that needed to be done, such as "What should we do about the structure?"

- Did you arrange the music for LieN?

Fukuda: Yes, that's right. We have to play all the instruments live, so we spend a lot of time arranging the live performance, for example, the piano that was included at certain points in the original song, added at the beginning, or the guitar sound that was not originally included. We put a lot of time and effort into the arrangement for the live performance, and we try to make sure that her (Mitani) voice reaches everyone. (laughs)

- In addition, you learned that Ms. Fukuda will also be playing live at this concert.

Fukuda: I want to keep an eye on them (laughs). I'm practicing every night now. If we record, we can re-record, but of course, we can't, and there are also other instruments, so we have to get the timing right.

- How are you preparing for LIVE Concert, Ms. Mitani?

Mitani: I practiced individually. When I listened back to the songs I planned to play, I realized that they were all songs that I really liked. ....... It's very difficult to choose songs. When I practice, I remember the recording session at the time and many other things, and sometimes I cry a little, and all sorts of thoughts come to mind.

Fukuda: It also reminds me of when I submitted my first song about five years ago. ........ I remember all sorts of things.

Mitani: I think with the years of experience I have gained, I can express myself differently. Actually, tomorrow (the interview is in April) is the first practice, so I'm really looking forward to it.

Looking back at the duo's activities from the beginning until now.

- I guess you two started as a duo with the theme song "Yasashii Ryoute" from .hack//G.U. Vol.1 Rebirth, what's behind the story of it?

Fukuda: First of all, I wanted to include a song in the .hack//G.U. series, so I asked him to record a song at home first, and we discussed it after that.

Mitani: Yes, it was.

Fukuda: We discussed what to do with the song, and we came to the conclusion that "the best way to please the audience is to include the song," so we released it in a form that included the song. As a result, it was very well received by the audience. For "Yasashii Ryoute," I still have a very strong image of the prototype video that was recorded at the beginning of the project. I thought, "Wow, singing is great." It was the most moving point for me, so I remember it well.

- What about the last song in the .hack//G.U. series, "You Were Smiling Gently"?

Fukuda: I remember the image I had when I wrote the lyrics. I wanted to write a song that had not a happy ending, but rather a slightly sad story about a girl's future. That's the kind of song I wanted to make. The ending of the song is not about Atoli and Haseo, but about Shino, even though the ending is in the movie.

- After that, you formed LieN in conjunction with the .hack//G.U. TRILOGY project, and expanded the scope of your activities. And now, you also created the opening song for the latest work, .hack//Link like Stairway of Time.

Fukuda: At the time, the order was for an up-tempo, bright song for the opening, but personally I don't think I was able to make it too bright (laughs). When we were choosing songs, there was a lot of talk among the sound team, and I was thinking that many of my songs are dark ...... I think my songs are too dark. I think the only bright one is "To The Shining You". I decided on the last song because I wanted to live a positive life after everything was over.

Mitani: Well, I don't think so. I don't think it's that dark when I sing.

Fukuda: Then it's not dark, but a song that makes you cry (laughs).

Mitani: I was experimenting with various vocal techniques when I sang "Stairway of Time". So, in singing such an up-tempo, groovy song, I changed the way I sang in the past. ........

Fukuda: The sound team had heard the song as an instrumental and had already imagined her voice as clear. However, when they recorded the song, they came up with a different singing style, so I asked them to change it back and said, "It was a little difficult."

Mitani: I had to make my voice to some extent before recording, so it was quite difficult to correct it. It took a lot of time.

Fukuda: For game music, the music is ordered based on the theme of the project, not on the songs we want to make or the songs we want the singers to sing. Especially .hack//Link, which is a completely different genre from the previous ones, so I think she must have been quite surprised when I handed her the data.

Mitani: Yes, that's right. When I heard the battle song, I was quite surprised and thought “Eh, my voice is on the battle?!” But after playing the game myself, I realized that it is quite possible to do something like this, and I am enjoying myself doing it.

- I think Ms. Mitani's songs create a good chemical reaction with music and the game.

Mitani: Some customers said, "I heard the song first and didn't really connect with it, but when I heard it played in the game, I became attached to it." I think the synergy between the images and the story is very significant.

Fukuda: So, when I write battle songs, opening songs, and ending songs, I always have a lot of ideas in mind. I write songs and other music based on the emotions I read from those scenarios. I think this makes it easier for the audience to feel the emotion.

Mitani: It's easier to get into a place if you have a strong emotional attachment to it.

Fukuda: After the song is finished, we also get feedback from the staff, and I think this is one of the strengths of making songs in company lights.

Toward the long-awaited live stage and the future LieN

- With .hack//Link being the final chapter in the game, I think this will be a culmination for LieN as well.

Mitani: Yes, that's right. There is a lot of pressure because of the high expectations. ........

Fukuda: Yeah, it's amazing. .........

Mitani: I'm going to do my best, feeling like I have no choice but to do it. It's our first time, so we are half-excited and half-anxious, but I hope we can show our character.

Fukuda: This is LieN's first public appearance on a public stage, so we want to show our color as "this is LieN."

- It will be a valuable opportunity to perform together.

Fukuda: Yes, that's right. Even though we are based far from each other, we are old acquaintances, so to some extent I know how they will sing, so it is easy for us to work together.

Mitani: But that doesn't make it any easier. It feels like the bar is raised every time. I think we inspire each other and naturally become aware of the need to make better work. Since everyone's attention was drawn to our first piece, "Yasashii Ryoute," we are determined to create something better than that every time.

Fukuda: We also record together several times a year, although it is not often.

Mitani: We recently recorded a new album.

Fukuda: The new song that was recorded at that time is on the CD that will be included in the limited edition of the setting material book (.hack//G.U. Complete Protected Material Book .hack//Archives 02 WHlTE) that will be sold in advance at the live event. It is a very good song, so please listen to it as well.

- What does LieN mean to you?

Mitani: The meaning of "LieN" is "bond," and since the work itself depicts friendship, affection, and "gentle," I hope that the bond between the two of us over the years and our long relationship will be conveyed to everyone.

Fukuda: The lyrics of the songs are filled with the nature of the work and its drama, so it is easy to appeal to everyone, especially to customers of the .hack series, who will immediately know which character the song is about. But I think it will leave a lasting impression on people, and I hope it will, and that's what I want to keep in mind.

Mitani: From the standpoint of a singer, LieN's songs are in line with the story of the game, but I think they are also linked to the sad feelings that everyone has experienced. I often receive comments like "I cried" from people who have listened to the song, which makes me think that it is a song that really gets to the heart of the listener.

- What are your ambition for LieN's future activities?

Mitani: I would like more people to remember the name LieN, not only the customers of the .hack series. I would also like to deliver LieN's music to people all over the world.

Fukuda: With all kinds of people, I hope with that [Bonds] I’ll be able to do it again.


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